We offer a DPA service to help you understand the property's development potential - the steps include:

  • an initial half-hour meeting with our principal architect, Ellen Bildsten, to gather information about property characteristics, existing conditions and goals for the property 

  • after the meeting we'll send an invoice for $450

  • we provide your DPA within a week - the analysis will include:

              - comprehensive zoning information unique to your specific parcel
              - a list of allowed uses for your site
              - information about the housing potential of your site and which ordinances (i.e. SB 9, AUD and ADU) best apply to your property

  • we then schedule a final half-hour meeting to discuss the implications of the information provided - this will answer your questions and help you understand the results of the analysis

If you decide to work with us on the planning and architecture of the development project, the cost of the analysis will be applied to the project fees.

Interested in moving forward with analyzing the development potential of your property? Enter your information below, and a member of our team will contact you.



Figuring out what you’re allowed to do with your property can be confusing and overwhelming, especially in this time of rapid zoning changes and California state housing laws.

Refund Policy:

If for any reason you decide you want a refund after the meeting and receiving your Development Potential Analysis, please reach out to us so we can work together to find a solution.